🎙️ Cracking the GRE: How Section-Adaptive Scoring Impacts Your Score

Lexa: Welcome to PodWiz, Wizako's GRE Podcast! I'm Lexa.

Zako: And I'm Zako. Today, we're diving into something super important for GRE prep - section-adaptive testing.

Lexa: You know, Zako, one thing that makes the GRE interesting is how it adapts to test-takers' abilities.

Zako: Exactly! The current GRE has two Verbal Reasoning and two Quantitative Reasoning sections. For Verbal, you get 12 questions in 18 minutes for section one followed by 15 questions in 23 minutes for the second section.

Lexa: And for Quant, it's 12 questions in 21 minutes for the first section, followed by 15 questions in 26 minutes for the second section.

Zako: What's really interesting is how the adaptation works. Unlike the GMAT that adapt question by question, the GRE adapts by entire sections.

Lexa: Right! The first sections of both Verbal and Quant start with medium difficulty questions. How well you do on these determines the difficulty of your second section.

Zako: Speaking of preparation, have you checked out Wizako's GRE Online Course? We're offering a 15-day free trial at wzko.pro/online

Lexa: Here's what's fascinating - if you perform well in the first Verbal section, you'll get a tougher second Verbal section. The same goes for Quant.

Zako: And get this - your performance in Verbal doesn't affect your Quant sections, and vice versa. Each subject adapts independently.

Lexa: Let me share an interesting example. Say we have two students, Aaditya and Bhavna. Both answer 8 out of 15 questions correctly in their second Quant section.

Zako: But Aaditya got a harder second section because they performed better in the first section. Even though they both got 8 correct, Aaditya will score higher.

Lexa: This really shows why the first section is so crucial. It's like unlocking a higher score potential if you do well.

Zako: And that's why proper preparation is key. By the way, students can get comprehensive preparation for this adaptive format through Wizako's GRE online course. Remember, it's free to try for 15 days at wzko.pro/online

Lexa: Absolutely! The key takeaways here are: focus on performing well in those first sections, see difficulty as an opportunity, and maintain consistent performance throughout.

Zako: That's right! Thanks for tuning in to PodWiz. Remember to subscribe for more GRE insights!

Lexa: See you in the next episode!

Wizako - An Ascent Education Initiative